Cross to the Crown Sports
“Do everything Possible and let God do the Impossible”
Believe in helping players in every aspect of life, not only on the field but also off the field. We specialize in helping players not only physically but mentally spiritually and emotionally. Our goal is to help athletes achieve their true purpose/calling in life. As well as help athletes achieve a life to be proud of after football. Our athletes are taken through a course to also understand their true worth in Christ. We are not football players who just happen to be Christians, we understand that we are Christians who just so happen to play football.


Michael Salazar
Senior Executive Advisor
Financial Advisor
Insurance Representative
Pastoral Ministry

Lesly Salazar
Child Care Ministry-
Lead Pastor
Women's Mentor

Exercise Science & Human Performance MS
Business BBA
Performance Specialist
Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach
Olympic Certified
College Coach

Overseas/Internationally Certified

Faith Based Representation:
I truly believe each athlete has a calling and purpose in their life.
"For the battle is the Lord's"
1 Samuel 17: 47